Thursday, July 10, 2014

“On A Personal Note”

Yesterday my husband was on his way to work. While on the bus, it stopped to pick up passengers. As the doors opened, He heard a woman voice saying, “Can you help me?” and a man saying, “Miss, I have to go to work, I cannot help you.” He looked through the window and there was an elderly woman standing in her pajamas and a bedroom slipper. As the bus pulled off it tugged at his heart to see her standing alone and scared so he asked the bus driver if she would let him off, that lady needs help. She stopped the bus and she said, “Thank you, she looks as though she does.”
When he got to the lady he said, “Morning miss. Do you need help?”
“Yes,” She said but was a bit disoriented.
My husband phoned 911 then she told him her name so he called me and asked me to search the internet to see if anyone by that name comes up missing. He also said to me that she sounds like a Trinidadian. While I was speaking to him I could hear her voice and she did sound like a Trini. She was pleading with him in a soft gentle voice, not to leave her alone and he was reassuring her that he would not. Her voice had such a sweet sad tone to it that I was a bit emotional. The police was taking a while to come and he had to call 911 a second time. The operator told him that someone called in a missing elderly woman and the description of the clothes. It was the exact outfit she was wearing so the operator reassured him that the police were on their way. They eventually came and after all is said and done she was reunited with her family. Amen and AMEN to that. I thank God for the kind of man my husband is…

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