Wednesday, July 30, 2014

“On A Personal Note --- A Band-Aid for everything”

Some people put a band-aid on every cut, but every cut doesn’t need a band-aid. One day I was cleaning the bathroom and my finger slipped under the cover that blocks the drain when you fill the bidet. As it slipped it slid around the edge of the cover and it cut me under my finger nail. It was hurting and bleeding so I put some mentholated spirit on it then a band-aid. I did not want this finger to bother me because I was leaving in a matter of hours on a plane out of the country.
The cut was hurting real bad when I arrived at my destination, but I ignored it, only changing the band-aid when it got wet. Days later it stopped hurting, so I thought it was healed. When I took off the band-aid the area that was cut looked green and I knew that was a major infection —Gangrene. I was in another country, and the thought of going to the hospital and the doctor cutting off my finger had me petrified. I showed the finger to my hostess and she took me to see a friend of hers who was a nurse. The first thing the nurse said, “Oh dear, that is not good, and you have to go to the hospital.” I started to cry and then she said, “I could let you dip your finger in hot water with Detol in it?” I agreed. The water was very hot, but when I put my finger in it, I felt no pain. She changed the water several times and then the water started to look green.  My fears heightened when I saw it, but she reassured me that was a good thing. The finger started to bleed and it was hurting. She dried the area, did not put a band-aid on it, told me to make sure I did not wet it and remember not every cut needs a band-aid. A week later my finger was perfectly healed…

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