Wednesday, July 23, 2014

“Broken Glasses 2”

At age 5 I felt it was time to give my son his juice and water in a glass. It worked out well. The first day he broke a glass, “He stood looking at it in shock, then he looked at me very sad as he said, “Mom I am sorry.”
“That’s okay. Stand right where you are. Do not make another step.”
“I’m sorry,” He whispered.
“Don’t worry about it,” I said and picked it up. I felt that was the end of that but he refused to use a glass and I used to let him use it. Every time he broke one he got real sad. I would say stop worrying about it, but the only thing that stopped him from becoming sad was when I told him that I was 35 and think about how many glass I broke in my life time. That ended the sadness.
The first time my daughter broke a glass she started to cry. “Mom I am sorry.” As usual I said, “Don’t worry about it and I hugged her. The next time she broke another one the tears started and she said, “Why do you give me water and juice in a glass. It always slips out of my hands.”
“You have to learn to use a glass. Hold it with your both hands and watch what you are doing when you pick it up and when you put it down.”
Start building strength and courage in your children. Stop complaining about that broken glass. It is not the end of the world. A blessed safe day to you and yours…

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