Wednesday, July 2, 2014

“Man Is Not A Dog”

I always heard that a dog is a man’s best friend and dogs have proven themselves to be just that. To me it is annoying to hear the saying, “Man is ah dog”. If he is a bad human being. Just a vile, vulgar, brutal, conceited, barbaric and as my Barbadian friend used to say, “A brute beast”, I am not giving him that honor.
I remember as a child we used to see animals having sex. To us it was no big thing. When I saw dogs in the act, I used to think that it was a good thing because they would make puppies and who doesn’t love puppies?  I think when it comes to sex a dog is classy. After he finishes having sex, he walks away, waging his tail, he doesn’t bark, finds a quiet spot and lay down. He doesn’t talk about the bitch, not a woof, woof from him.
Some men after having sex, talks to who will listen, giving details about his sexual partner in the most vulgar, vile way. He is not a dog, but is animalistic, portraying beastly attitudes…

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