Monday, July 21, 2014

The Old folks always say something that makes you wonder if what they are saying is true. Many children would do the said thing to see if it was.

When I was a child, my father told me not to make monkey tricks when I was looking in a mirror because I will get nightmares. After he told me that I did not like to look in mirrors, just in case I forget and started making tricks. Day in and day out when I looked in the mirror I kept a straight face. Years went by and then one day I said to myself, “You are a gullible teenager, holding on to the tricks in the mirror story is childish.” I stood in front of the mirror and started to make monkey tricks, distorting my face in horrible ways, laughing and really enjoy it. All day I remember the moment and I would smile. When I went to bed that night, I remembered it for the moment, fell into a deep sleep and woke up the next morning well rested, no nightmares. The monkey tricks in the mirror continued and no nightmare for a while then one night I had the most horrible dream. The dream started with me and some of my friends, playing on the street we lived on. We were having a wonderful time when the place suddenly got very dark and dismal. I looked around to say something to them, but I was alone. No one was around so I decided to go home. While I was walking towards our house, I saw a shadow in the distance coming towards me. My heart was racing as I started to run. The shadow started to run towards me so I ran faster and it was moving faster. I reached our gate, opened it quickly and stepped in. As I got into the yard and stepped onto the porch the shadow was standing there with a hideous smile. I started to scream and scream until my sister woke me saying, “Alla you are having a nightmare.” Since that horrible nightmare, I do not make tricks in the mirror…

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