Tuesday, November 19, 2013

“The Cutest Dramatist”

Sit in a class of kindergarten children and you are guaranteed to have a hysterical moment. They are the cutest little dramatists.
The best question to ask them is, Do you have a pet and what kind? Hands will go up and they would ask excitedly to speak first and the drama begins.
Jim, Joan and Michael~ had dogs.
Jill, Linda, Ryan~ had cats.
Sally, Leon and Timothy~ had parrots.
Glen will sit quietly until the right moment.
Lisa, Susan and Michelle~ had different kinds of bird.
When the teacher gets to John, he had a lion.”
“That’s not true,” Glen said.
“Yes,” John said.
“No!” Said Glen.
“Yes!” Said John.
“I was by your house... I did not see any lion,” Glen said.
“My daddy lock it up!” Glen shouted.
“You lying!” Glen said and he gets upset.
In the midst of the argument the teacher tries to calm them down so she said, “Do you have a pet Glen?”
“Yes. I have an elephant,” He whispered as he wiped his eyes...

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