Monday, November 4, 2013

“Kindness Is A Gift” (Part 7)

Michael sat on the porch sipping a hot cup of coffee. It was 5:30 in the morning. The sun was rising, and the reflection of it on the clouds was very nice, but he did not see it. Joanne was still in bed and he felt hurt because of the way she behaved a few hours ago.
Lisa was having an attack of bronchitis. She was coughing as she knocked the bedroom door and whispered, “Daddy… can… you… come. Please?”
Michael heard her, but for a moment he thought he was dreaming, then Joanne punched him on his arm. “Your daughter is calling you. That cough is annoying and I want to sleep so go take care of it. He got up, opened the door and touched Lisa’s forehead. “You are burning up.” “Come honey. Let’s go to the kitchen.” He lifted her into his arms. Although Lisa had cough medication, Michael did not give it to her because she had it an hour ago and the dosage was every 4 hours. He decided to make her a cup of honey ginger tea with cinnamon.
Lisa sat on a chair and she whispered, “Daddy, I’m sorry for waking you up.”
“No Lisa. Do not be sorry. You must wake me, if you need me. I am here for you. Promise me you will wake me.”
“I will wake you.”
“Thanks Daddy.”
“You are welcome Honey.”
Michael made the tea and gave Lisa a cup. After she drank half of it she said she was full, so he proceeded to rub her chest and feet with Vicks. When he was finished he put socks on her feet, then he tuck her in bed.. Her cough had subsided and she was now sound asleep. The sun was now up and a gentle breeze was blowing. It was a beautiful morning, but thoughts of Joanne’s unkind ways had Michael emotional…   

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