Monday, November 18, 2013

“Black Friday Drama” (2013)

Next Friday is officially Black Friday. My daughter was on a roll yesterday explaining to her father why they should go to the store at midnight.
He said, “You could shop today. The sales already started.”
“Dad, it’s not the same thing.”
“Ask your mother to go.”
I said, “You guys know I am not a Black Friday kind of  person so ‘NO. I’M NOT GOING! Leave me out of it.”
“He said, “Ok we’ll see.”
I started to kill joy, “Last year a man and a woman was shot outside a Walmart. In San Antonio a shopper pulls a gun on a man. Two men had a boxing match over a pair of jeans.”
“Okay mom. You had to go there?”
“Yes. There are many more Black Friday drams. Do you want me to continue?”
“No!” she said and walked away.

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