Saturday, November 30, 2013


It is amazing how so many people are excited to spend their money. They will hurt you even kill you.
1. A Las Vegas shopper was shot on Thanksgiving Day as he tried to take his television home.
2. Three people got into a brawl in Wal-Mart, Rialto Calif, because shoppers were cutting the line. Two were taking into custody/
3. A WalMart in White Plains, NY calls of bomb on the premises caused the store to evacuate. No explosive device found.
4. A woman used a stun gun on another after a brawl outside Franklin Mills Mall in Northeast Philadelphia.
5. A shopper was charged in New Jersey with aggravated assault after an argument over a television.
6. Bullets fly in Illinois
7. One man’s arm was sliced to the bone during a fight over a parking space at a Walmart store in Virginia. Police seized a rifle at the scene. Both men were arrested.
8. Police shot a man believed to be involved in a shoplifting scheme at a Kohl’s in Illinois.
9. A mob of people pushing each other over a flat screen TVs in a North Carolina Walmart.
And I can go on and on about the excitement these people have to spend their money…

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