Saturday, October 19, 2013

“Postpartum Depression”

Childbirth is always said to be a wonderful thing, but it can be very distressing.
Postpartum depression is real… I did experience the “Baby blues” after childbirth. I had mood swings, moments of crying and really in a bad mood. I thank God for the kind of man my husband is. He was ready for the moments. When I was behaving badly, then, after the moment I would apologize, he would explain that I am going through postpartum depression. He is not worried because at the moment I am not the women he knows and he is here for me.
Some women go through extreme postpartum depression known as postpartum psychosis after childbirth.
My reason for talking about this is because of the suspected shoplifter who was shopping at Victoria’s Secret, Manhattan, NY with her dead baby. I believe she was having extreme postpartum depression. I am not judging her because you have to be in it to know it. My question is, ‘Where was the baby's father, her relatives —mother, father, sister, brother, friend.. She needed someone. I pray for her because this system is going to treat her like a criminal. God have mercy on her! Her baby is at peace.

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