Thursday, October 3, 2013

“Letting Go Of Love” (Part 4)

Michael wanted to be a good man, but there were times when he came home and he wanted to talk to Joanne, but she did not want too. At nights when they went to bed she complained of tiredness and did not want to have sex. He hired a woman to do the laundry and ironing. All Joanne had to do was cook and the children helped her clean, but her attitude was still the same. He decided that he would not bother her during the week, but on weekends he would initiate a moment of intimacy. One Saturday morning when they woke up he reached for her, she told him that she was not in the mood. Since he knew her, sex was always on her own terms … It was the end of April and they only had sex 3 times for the year. He was tired of having to go outside to get the release his body cried out for. Many times after those moments, he felt cheap. His friends would tell him to leave, but since Lisa came into his life, he had to stay. He knew that change is never going to come. Cold was the women he was married to. 
Teresa was a pretty woman with a captivating smile. Her voice had a nice tone to it. Pleasingly honest and kind was her forte and she smelt real good. Everytime he was around her, his heartbeat always elevated and a deep desire to be with her was ever present, but he ignored it. She was not the kind of women he liked to be with. The women he liked must be, slender and well shaped. One day when he was leaving work he saw Teresa walking and talking to an attractive, slender and well shaped woman —Joanne. He immediately desired Joanne, not paying attention to her attitude. Now they are married and he wish they were not.
Michael was happy for the moment he and Teresa spent together, before she went abroad, to meet her husband. That heartbreaking day they sat facing each other over two glasses of wine talking was the moment of truth about; Why their hearts would skip a beat, just to hear each others name? Why a warm feeling would travel through their bodies when they came into the same room? Why just a touch of their hands would leave them with a sweet tingling feeling? Why that day when he came to her home, to drop off something that Joanne asked him too, he was secretly wishing she invited him in? Why did she, invited him in? Why the moment he walked in and she locked the door, he reached for her … In her gentle kind way she moved into his arms … He kissed her … She kissed him back … He raised his head and whispered, “We shouldn’t” … she said, “True”… His lips came down on hers again and he lifted her into his arms … Walking straight to her bedroom, he puts her down and they undressed … Lisa came from that sweetest moment of intimacy they experienced. After that moment he realized that all the women he was with… SEX was the foundation and it does not build a loving home. Love does and he was in love with Teresa.
Teresa and Michael looked at each other with a sad smile on their lips. They were letting go of love and it hurt so bad. Hoping that the wine would eased the pain, they both took a sip from their glass…

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