Friday, October 25, 2013

“Fear Leaves A Bitter Taste” ( Part 6)

Lisa was afraid of Joanne so she tried her best not to break the rules. If she did, she would be punished. Receiving the blows from the belt did not hurt Lisa as much as the thought of her so-called mother raising her hand to inflict pain on her.
On some occasions when Lisa sat at the dining table, she would lean back the chair. One day Joanne caught her doing it and she grabbed her hand. Her greens eyes looked menacing as she looked in Lisa’s light brown eyes.
“Don’t you ever do that again! If I catch you doing it, I will make you sorry!” Joanne let go of Lisa’s hand and walked away.
Lisa felt her face becoming flushed as one of her sisters looked at her and giggled. She got off of the chair, took the rest of her breakfast out to the kitchen and threw it in the garbage. As she washed her cup and plate she felt afraid and a bitter taste came into her mouth. The moment she finished the dishes she went and sit under the tree. She spent the day outside until her father came in from work.
As the days went by Lisa would remember the incident and she would not rock the chair. One day she and her brother were sitting at the dining table having an evening snack. Her brother started talking about a funny situation at school. Lisa started to laugh, and she lean back in the chain. She went back too far, the legs skated and she fell backwards, hitting her head on the wall. Lisa did not know the statement ‘seeing stars’ was real until she lay on the floor and little glittering colors were floating around as her head hurt.
Joanne walked into the dining room with the belt and she started to beat Lisa, who was trying to cower away.
“I told you not to rock the chair! You are too harden!” Joanne got over her, grabbed her hand then said, “Get in the bathroom and take your shower! Do not stay long otherwise I will come in and give you some more!”
Joanne pushed her and Lisa stumbled then she walked into the bedroom. Her sister looked at her and giggled. Lisa opened one of the bureau drawers ... took out a dress and underwear. As she showered she willed herself to stop crying because it made her head hurt a little more. After showering and dressing, she went out and sat under the tree.
Michael came home from work and Lisa heard him asking for her, but she did not move until he called her. He smiled when he saw her and she smiled. “How was school?” Michael asked.
“It was good,” Lisa said and she kept her head down.
“What are those marks on your arm?”
Before she could answer Joanne said, “I asked her when she came in from school. She said she was rough playing with her friends. You know how she bruises easily?”
“Were you in a fight at school?”
“No daddy. I was playing with my friends.”
“You have to stop playing rough games.”
Lisa did not say anything else. She turned and walked away.
“I want you to stop beating Lisa.”
“Then you do everything for her! Do not ask me to do anything!”

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