Thursday, December 6, 2012

“Be Careful What You Ask For”
Some people talk with attitude~ They sound as though they are saying what they mean and meaning what they say~
A friend told me that he spent some time in the hospital. There was a man on the same floor who used to cry out in a loud voice for the doctors to up his pain medication. The nurses would come to him and explain that they cannot overdose him, but he didn’t care. He would start shouting, “Oh God ah can’t take this pain!  It’s hurting real bad! Doctor/nurse, please, give me something for the pain!” When they did not comply with his wishes he said, “Oh God, take me! Ah ready to go because ah can’t take this pain! Take me now!” He suddenly got chest pains. He placed his hand on his chest and started saying, “Oh God no! God ah wasn’t serious! Ah really sorry for saying take me! Ah didn’t mean it! Ah want to see my grandchildren! Please don’t take me! I’m not ready to go!

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