Saturday, December 1, 2012

“Are You Tracking Me”
Every now and then our eyes made four and he would smile. I smiled … thinking he does have a great smile and he is handsome. He did not say one word to me, but his smile was ever present. I had a wonderful time with the people I mingled with. As I was about to leave, he nervously introduced himself and then he asked me if we could exchange numbers. He did not wait for my answer, he handed me his business card. I really did not want to get involved with anyone, so I reluctantly gave him mine. He said call me anytime and I said I will, but I did not. A week went by and he called me every morning and every night. During the conversation, he would invite me to dinner, lunch even breakfast, but I always refused. One day, we came face to face at my job.
“This is a surprise. You call me twice a day and now here you are at my job. Are you tracking me?”
“You are pretty,we have great conversations and I want to get to know you better, so yes, I guess I’m tracking you.”
Although he put on his great smile, I said, “I think you should stop.”
“Okay,” He said, but I saw a hurt look on his face. I felt a tinge of regret, but I shrugged it off, thinking the nerve of this man … coming to my job. He walked away then my boss walked up to me. “I did not know that you know Mr. Perry. He came to see me to discuss a job.”
“So he was meeting with you?”
I felt embarrassed, did not phone him to apologize, but that evening I waited on his phone call. He did not call that evening. The days turned into weeks and he did not call. I missed his calls and hearing his voice.” I picked up the phone and dialed his number. He answered, “Are you tracking me?”
“Yeah! I guess I’m tracking you.”

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