Saturday, December 22, 2012

This was my favorite moment with my daughter, looking for her gifts.
“Searching For Christmas Gifts” (Posted Thursday, December 30, 2010)
My daughter told me that she and her classmates were talking about how they search their homes, to see where their parents hide their Christmas gifts… I asked her if she searches our home and very quickly she said, “No.” I said, “Yeah right.”  Then, she admitted that she does, and she never finds them. We decided that this year, we would make it very easy for her to find her gift. After putting the lights on the Christmas tree, we put her gifts in the box the lights were in… The box was then placed on the dining table. Her father and I watched her walk by the table, sit at the table to eat her meals and the box was right in front of her. Day in and day out, she sat at the table and completely ignored the box. The box was then wrapped and placed under the tree. Christmas morning, she took her gift from under the tree, unwrapped it, then she came into the kitchen with the box in her hand.
“Mom when are we going to put the lights on the tree?” she asked.
“The lights are on the tree,” I said and I started to laugh.
“Why are you laughing? You and dad gave me this box of lights for Christmas, so when are we going to put them on the tree?”
“Open the box…”

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