Friday, December 14, 2012

A walk down memory lane.
“Lethal Words”
When I hear some lethal words coming from another person’s mouth, I wonder if I am at the right place, at the right time or the wrong place, at the wrong time~ I don’t know if Trinbago’s land lines still cross up, but years ago you could take up your phone and hear people chatting~
One day, I heard a woman voice~ As I was about to let her know the lines were crossed, she said, “I hate her and I wish she dies!”
My blood crawled from hearing those lethal words, but I decided to listen to the rest of this conversation. I wanted to know who these characters were and who death was wished for…
“Don’t say that. It is not a good thing to wish bad for people.”
“I don’t care! I hate her.”
“Why? She didn’t do anything to you. She is not the one who told you to have an affair with her husband. He approached you and you agreed, so live with it.”
“I want him for myself!”
And I wanted to say that I am anxiously waiting to make my call, would the both of you get off the damn phone, but I kept listening.
“You’ve been with him for three years and he says many degrading things about his wife to you, but he’s not divorcing her.”
“He told me that he filed the papers and she doesn’t want to sign it.”
“He is not speaking the truth.”
“He doesn’t lie to me. I believe him.”
Now, I am pissed because I want to use the blasted phone. I decided to get these blabbermouths off the phone so I said, “Just last-night…”
“Hello!” One exclaimed.
I did not answer~ Laughter was going to overcome me and I had to take deep breaths to stay focus.
“Hello! I know someone is listening! Who the hell are you?”
“Yes, someone is listening to your bullshit!”
“You to damn farse! (Nosy) This is none of your damn business!”
“You made it my business when you decided to spill it on the phone! Now, you listen to me! Just last night, I was talking to her and she said that she was wondering if to show you the divorce papers that he refused to sign!” Silence~ “Hello?” ~ “Silence, then dial tone~ Now I could make my call…”

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