Friday, July 29, 2011

“What The World Needs Now”

Thunder and Lightening… Not my favorite moment and I was happy that it all started when I was at home. I wasn’t that lucky when I was in Trinbago two weeks ago… My nephew was about to drop me off to see a friend, but when I saw the lightening strike, I told him not to stop the car because I am not getting out…
Tonight the weather was worst than Trinbago’s weather… The lightening strikes flashed as though someone was taking pictures. The thunder rolled as though a rock was going to come through the window. I wanted to hide in the closet, but my daughter and son were looking through the window. After the flashing and rumbling the place suddenly got very quiet. I guess what the world needs now is some peace and quiet.


herbempress said...

hugs and kisses to you. Very interesting; lol u wanted to run and hide and wat did my cousins do, stand and watch!!! hmmm.

A Valentine Joseph said...

Right back at you... They love to look at it. I always have to tell them to get away from the window.