Friday, July 8, 2011

“It Was Glowing”

I heard my parents and other people in the neighborhood say that, “THE SEA IS A MOTHER”. At a certain time of the year, it takes and it purges. The stories I have heard regarding situations that happened in the sea are happy/sad.

One hot and humid night, we decided to go on Clifton Hill Beach. It was a dark night… No moon or stars in the sky. When we arrived, I noticed the water near the Point Fortin jetty, was glowing. I pointed it out and one of my sister said that it was the reflection of the jetty lights. We all went into the sea. I splashed some water and it glowed, then I noticed that we were all glowing.
I read about plankton and I knew it is food for fishes, so there might be fishes around. To be in the sea at nights and there is plankton in the water, is not a good idea…

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