Monday, July 25, 2011

“Always In A Hurry”

On a very hot humid day, I was waiting on the bus. My son, who was 7, was with me. The bus was taking a very long time, and since I was pregnant, the heat was more overbearing… my son was looking drained, so I decided to take another means of transportation. Every taxi that passed by had a passenger inside. The next choice was a dollar van. It was not one of my favorite ways to travel, because the dollar van drivers are always in a hurry. When we got into a van, the driver drove off and I fell into the seat. I exclaimed, and he apologized, but he increased his speed. My son held my hand and he asked, if I was okay. I told him that was one of the reasons I did not like getting into these vans… When we got to our destination, my son put out his little hand to help me.
As I stepped onto the sidewalk, the driver started to pull off and the door hit me on my hip pushing me forward. I stumbled into my son and we were both grabbing at each other. After we got our footing, I turned around to let the driver have it, but he drove off…

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