Tuesday, July 26, 2011

“The Kerosene Lamp In Trinbago”

I was vacationing in the home that I grew up in… It was, as usual, the most comfortable, relaxing home to be in. At nights, I slept blissfully, and to hear the cock crowing in the morning as a wake up call was just delightful. My vacation was just perfect, but then again, I should have known that something would happen to kill perfection…
One night, after I fell asleep, I suddenly woke up. The bedroom was pitch-black. It felt hot and humid. I opened the bedroom door and looked out. The house was in total darkness. I wasn’t sure where to find anything and I wasn’t going to wake my mother, sister or nephew…
“We are going to deal with it in the morning,” I whispered and I picked up a magazine to fan myself. A few minutes later, I heard footsteps and I saw a light… Someone went into the kitchen, lit the kerosene lamp and put it on the dining table… O how nostalgic the smell of the kerosene and the light from the lamp made me…

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