Saturday, June 18, 2016

I believe you should never forget where you come from.

A relative was having a birthday party and I was hoping we were not going to be invited, because the last time I was in his presence I was floored by his actions. I labeled him an ‘Asshole’ so I did not want to be around him.
When Harold saw the invitation he said, “You know we are not going to this party, right?”
“Yeah I know,” I said and I smiled.
Weeks later we had a small lime (Hang out) at my home and the relative’s party came up in conversation. I said, “We are not going.” From the moment I said that one person said, “I know why you are not going. Sometimes you have to let things go.”
“Not when some people do real shit.”
“We are going to the party and you all should go. We will pick you up.”
I asked if anybody else was going to the party and everybody else said that they had other things to do. I got blamed for all the people who said that they weren’t going. Harold was going to clear it up, I told him no let’s wait and see how it all plays out. He said you have too much patience, you know I like to straighten out things, ASAP.”
 “Yep. I know.”
The morning after the party, my phone rang 6:00am. From the moment I said hello one of the party goers said, “I wanted to call you since we got home one o’clock this morning.’
I said, “Really! Why?”
“Girl, I see why you do not want to socialize with that Asshole.”
“What happened?”
“The moment we walked in he started his grand introduction.”
“I just could imagine… these are my very good friends… Mister so and so, he is a doctor, so and so is a lawyer, so and so an investment banker and the list goes on and on,” I said.
“True but after the introduction he offered us a drink, gave us the drinks and then we were completely ignored.” We tried talking to him, but he brushed us off saying that he had to take care of something, but he would talk to us. A few moments later he was in a corner of the room chatting with the doctor, lawyer etc. An hour went by and we stood there feeling as though we were trespassing. Girl we were snubbed. We tried to get his attention, but he ignored us.”
I was smiling, as I said, “Really. Okay.”
“That is all you could say?”
“Yeah. You know I already put a label on that character!”

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