Friday, June 24, 2016

I am not sure I am spelling the lingo correctly but as my father used to say, “He is not the God father, well I am not the God mother.”
One day I was in line to pay for some items. While waiting my friend and I was talking and laughing. A man suddenly came and stood in front of us, totally ignoring us so I said politely, “Sir I am next in line.”
“Me see ha space, so ha ake it!” he said.
“There is a space because there is a line that we are supposed to stand behind and you are over the line,” I said.
He started to talk very fast in his accent and all I understood was ‘clot’ so I said, “I don’t understand what you are saying, “Can you please repeat that?”
He continued saying something about my clot and I started to laugh.
“No Allison, don’t laugh. He is angry,” My friend said.
“Really! He don’t know how bad he is sounding,” I said, and I continued laughing.
“Hwat hass his tis! Ha talkin to e homan han e halaugh!”
"You cannot be speaking to me because I don’t understand that shit you are talking. If you are talking to me and you want me to understand what you are saying, speak properly.”
“You ha ha rave homan!”
“And you are a disrespectful man. Do you have a mother?”
“Yes. E ah nice homan.”
“Well she is woman like me and the things you are saying, ‘clot etc.” I know when you say clot you are talking about a woman menstruation, and that is disrespectful to all women. You are disrespecting me and your mother as well.”
He got quiet for a moment and my friend whispered, “Allison I am scared, he is really angry.”
“I am not afraid of him. He will have to come real good to take me down.”
After his quiet moment of thinking he said, “Miss, I am sorry.”
“That’s okay.”
The same time the casher said, “Next in line.”
“Miss you can go,” He said.
“No you go ahead.”
“Thanks,” he said and paid for his item and when he was leaving he said, “Sorry.”
“Don’t worry about it. Enjoy your day and be safe.”
“The same to you.”
“Thanks,” I said and then my friend said, Allison, your craziness will not end. You are not afraid of anyone.”
I love the God in me.

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