Thursday, June 16, 2016

Arrogance makes a cheating man believe that he is in control of the relationship, but the moment he drops his pants, he is no longer in control, the women is in control. He is so caught up with his sexual desire and his conceit that he believes that his performance was great so his lay (yes I know that lay is an offensive term for a sexual encounter, but he is cheating so he is committing an offence!) loves the moment, and she won’t tell anyone about it, because she wants another secret moment with him.
Conceit shifts to her so she believes that she is too important to just be his sex partner. She either wants him for herself or she wants to discredit him so she might tell his wife or girlfriend about the moment or she would just tell the whole wide world… The internet!
Men if your life is good and you don’t want to hurt your significant other, make sure that when you drop your pants your wife or girlfriend are the ones who see your member!

A wonderful safe day to you and yours.

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