Wednesday, April 27, 2016

On a personal note.

Trinbagoians you know what is ice-blocks. Well I used to love buying a milk block from Miss Lions at recess.
My icemaker suddenly stopped working. I don’t get worked up about anything so I started making ice in three small stainless steel bowls. Sarah as usual started to complain… ‘Lord the ice maker needs repairing and in the mean time we need ice trays’. I just shook my head because when the water in the bowls freezes, I break up the ice with a spoon and that is that. Anyway Harold bought ice trays and I decided to make chocolate ice blocks. I melted some Milo in hot water then I added evaporated milk and condensed milk. (Yummy) Poured it into the ice trays and put them into the freezer. Two hours later I gave Paul and Sarah block to taste.
“Mom what is this? This is good,” Paul said.
“How come I never tasted this before? Mom what is going on?” Sarah said.
“We never had ice trays before so I never thought about making it,” I said.
“I am going to be 26 years and I never had this. Thank God the ice maker broke down.”
“I am still lucky,  I am going to be 19 and I did not have to get to the 20s before I tasted yummy-ness.”
Yesterday I made sea moss blocks. Up to late last night I heard one of them in the kitchen with a glass and a spoon…

Enjoy your day and be safe.

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