Sunday, May 17, 2015

“You are lying. You does lie too much.”

The next time you lie to me, I will beat you. These are haunting words in the heart, mind and soul of a child. When I was a child and I talked about a situation that happened to me… “You are lying. I do not want to hear,” Would be some of the words said to me.  I would insist that I am telling the truth, but my words would be drowned out by, “Shut up.” I would walk away and go and sit in my favorite place, under the governor plum tree. One day while I was sitting under the tree, my father came home from his garden and I told him what happened. He said, “Did you speak the truth?”
“Yes,” I said.
“Then tell them a lie. They would believe you,” He said.
“Daddy my Sunday school teacher said that lying is a sin,” I said.
“God will understand why,” He said.
Although he told me to lie I was not comfortable doing it so when I had a situation, I did not talk about it.
For all those who think that their child is telling lies, pay attention, investigate the situation first…

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