Friday, May 1, 2015

The doctors that I remember seeing, from childhood to adult in Trinidad and Tobago were, Dr. Dieffenthaller, Dr. Randolph Herman Teemul and Dr. Robert Gaskin.

The doctors that I remember seeing, from childhood to adult in Trinidad and Tobago were, Dr. Dieffenthaller, Dr. Randolph Herman Teemul and Dr. Robert Gaskin.
One day I got an attack of bronchitis and my mother gave me a concoction of bush medicine (herbs). Although she did this and I was feeling better, my father took me to see Dr. Dieffenthaller
“What is wrong with this child?” Dr. Dieffenthaller asked.
“She had an attack of bronchitis, She did not eat anything and she coughed all night.”
 “When was this?” Dr. Dieffenthaller asked as he took his stethoscope and put it against my chest.
“The day before yesterday,” my father said.
“Her breathing is better.” Dr. Dieffenthaller put his stethoscope around his neck, sat at his desk then started writing in a folder.
“Yes she is breathing better because her mother gave her some bush medicine and she vomited a lot of phlegm. After the vomiting she was able to eat,” My father said.
“Her chest is sounding clear so I am not going to give her any medication. Check on her to make sure her breathing is alright. Allison, stop walking around barefooted and stay away from the dust. Wear your slippers or crêpesole —(sneakers).”
I told him alright, but I was wondering how he knew I used to be barefooted. The dust part worked real well. Every time I was told to sweep, I would tell my father. He used to tell them that the doctor told me to stay away from dust and he doesn’t want me to sweep. For a very long time I milked the dust diagnosis …

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