Saturday, May 9, 2015

On a personal note… Big Business… Big Thief.

Dear God, the love for the poor man’s money is ruling this world. Businesses love you to pay them, but they do not like to pay you. When you order a product from them, your bank account is debited immediately, but when they have to pay you, you have to wait 3, 4 or more days to get your money. I had a family plan with Verizon cell phones. When we started with them we were paying a certain amount. We did not make any changes to the account. If I go on line with my phone I would stay less than five minute and I do not go online everyday. The rest of my family are always online with their phones, so when Verizon called and told me we were over our (GB) gigabyte, and we had to pay an additional amount on the bill, I paid. They also suggested that we increase the GB, I agreed and we did. As the months went by, they kept calling to say we were over our GB and I had to pay more on my bill. I did and I also increased the GB yet the calls kept coming every month that we were over. In April I phoned Verizon and asked them the total amount of money owed to them. They gave me the amount and I paid it through the automated payment system. The next day I called to find out the balance of the account. I was told I had a zero balance so I told the Rep. I am closing the account. After she tried to get me to stay with them, she told me okay. Although I paid Verizon and I had a zero balance in April and closed the account, the first week in May, Verizon took $390 plus dollars from my bank account for May’s bill payment. I called them and three days later they refunded me the money, but yesterday I got a bill in the mail for $390 plus dollars (the same amount for May)… Now I have to call them to get this shit settled.

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