Monday, May 4, 2015

On a personal note. It was the WTF, MC, MF.

This morning started with Paul cussing someone on the phone. He was in his bedroom, but I could hear it so I said, “Oh gosh doh start the day like that. No cussing. “Mom after I tell you what I cussing about you will start to cuss.”
He said that a friend told him that President Obama is coming to speak at a college so come and join their picket line. He asked why they were picketing the President. They are picketing his speech so he asked what the speech is about. His friend told him he did not know. That’s when he started to cuss. Paul searched what the President was going to be talking about. His speech is about the Non-profit organization which is an extension of My Brother’s Keeper —A program to help young men of color. He said he was so pissed that this MF asking him to picket a black man who is trying to help us black men.
His friend is not a Blackman… I am not going to say his race, but he is a man who is trying his best to keep a Blackman down.

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