Thursday, January 15, 2015

There are some men who will never be kind or loving to women.

Dogmatic! A doctrinaire! Just determine to treat her badly and refusing to accept that there are better ways of treating her. For the men who have a heart, who have the gift of kindness, who say I love you and you feel the love from them, Thank you.
Life is stressful and added to it some men are unkind, mean, ruthless, cruel, wicked, callous, heartless, hurtful, harsh and I can go on and on.
Menstruation— The pre-menstrual syndrome and menstrual cramps.
Child-birth— Postpartum depression. Baby blues after childbirth is real.
Menopause— One moment she feels hot, hot, hot. The next moment she is freezing. One minute she is happy and the next minute she is crying. The aches and pains in her body, etc.
She gave birth to you so I believe in all evenhandedness to her, you should delve deeply into her issues. There are many books that give great accounts about women. Please get a copy and read. It won’t be the end of the world. Life is to short. Make a happy home.

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