Sunday, January 4, 2015

“Happy Sunday to you and yours. The first Sunday of 2015. Thank God we are seeing it. Enjoy your day and be safe.”

Every day Angela saw Larry on her way to work. The first day he spoke to her she walked away with a smile and every time she saw him, he made her laugh. She liked him and looked forward to seeing him, but one day while they were talking he said, “My wifie works.”
“Okay. Anyway I have to go.”
He had a wife so she decided to avoid him. After three days of avoiding him, she was unsuccessful on the fourth day. The moment she stepped out of the building where she worked, he was standing outside waiting on her.
“Hi Angela, I have not seen you for three days and I was worried about you. Are you okay?”
“Yes I am. My work hours changed; that’s why we missed each other,” She said, although she knew that was a lie.
“I would like to take you to dinner.”
“Larry, you are a nice person, but you are married so I am not going out with you,” She said.
“I am not married.”
“The last time we spoke you said that your wifie works.”
“Wifie? No I was telling you that my wiFi was working …

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