Saturday, January 31, 2015

“ON A PERSONAL NOTE; if you do not tell them, someone else will tell them. Let it come from you and not from a stranger, friend, classmate etc. You will be surprised to know how much your child/children know about life. I know that many of us don’t like to discuss sex with our children, but from a very early age they will start questioning you. Be kind, gentle and honest with your answer.”

My son was 5 the first time he asked me about sex. I told him that sex is about male or female gender…. the difference between humans, animals etc. Our body parts tell if we are boy or girl etc. That was the answer until he turned seven.
One day when I picked him up from school he said, “Mom what is sex, and do not tell me it is male or female or all the other things that you and dad say to me about it?”
I was thinking, Lord why me and not his father? Although I was a little uncomfortable I knew that I had to be as truthful as possible because I felt he must have heard about it from his friends. I said, “Sex is an intimate moment between two people.”
“You and dad did it because you had me?”
“So you did it again because you are having a baby?”
“Yes,” I said.
“Okay,” He said.
I was happy that he accepted that answer but I was feeling embarrassed.
 My daughter was 6 years when she said, “Mom a girl in my class was wearing a bracelet and she said that it was a sex bracelet. Do you know what a sex bracelet is?”
“I heard about it, but what did you hear about it?”
“She said that it was for boys to come on to her.”
I was taken aback, but we discussed it.
I grew up thinking that sex was a sin and a secret. It is not to be discussed so I did not have discussions with anyone about it. When I got pregnant with my son I was embarrassed that people would know that I am doing it. That was 25 years ago. When we talk about it today Paul and Sarah would say, “That’s life!”
Always have honest to goodness conversations with your child/children. Find a comfortable spot and speak the truth.

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