Friday, January 23, 2015

“I have a lot of respect for polite and cultured men”

I did not change my profile picture because I am not into pictures. Is that a bad thing? I love to write. I love fiction. I love non-fiction. I love drama. I love to inspire. I love to intrigue. I love to make my readers wonder.
Do I look stressed? Do I sound stressed? Why do some of my FB male friends messaging me asking me bullshit! Although my profile states that I am married and my name is Allison, they would start with, Hi Sexy/Sweetheart/Honey/Darling and the best one Hi Lover. They address me as though we wake up in the same bed every day. I am on FB just to be inspired and to inspire, to laugh, to make you laugh and to stay in touch with my Trinbago folks… especially when we take each other down memory lane to our lifestyle from childhood to adult. To all my FB male friends who have been, gentlemen… polite and cultured men, Thank you and I appreciate you’. To all my FB male friends who are rude… ill-mannered, no class I am deleting you in a flash…  

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