Saturday, August 23, 2014

“Treat Your Body Well”
 I had to post this again because I see so many women with knee braces etc. In 2013, I was a woman walking around with a knee brace. I really do not know why they are wearing knee braces, but I know that my weight was the culprit in my knee story. Although it was a slow process I lost the 40 pounds that I had to get rid of.
I cut down on salt, sugar, flour. I eat Crix, peas, beans, eggs, vegetables, meat, fish, Green figs —(banana).  Sometimes I eat yam and potatoes. I drink water, coconut water, Lucozade, Lipton Tea and Honey Ginger Tea. Everyday, I went into the bathroom, close the door and jog on the spot for an hour. Next I would lie on the floor and do Pilates then I use my son’s door frame pull up bar. I cannot pull myself up on the bar so I would stand on the floor, hold the bar and bend my knees stretching my arms. Now I have a treadmill which I use everyday, but I still jog in the bathroom etc. Think about your body and love it. As we get older, all kinds of pains and illnesses attack our body. Watch what you eat and exercise.

Enjoy your day and be safe…

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