Friday, August 8, 2014

“Mad, foolish, crazy, barmy, nutty, nuts, round the bend, mentally disturb”
If our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit then it must be a part of heaven.
When I was a child I used to laugh when I saw some people dressed in lewd, undignified and humiliating ways… exposing heaven.
When I was a teenager, I was out shopping with my favorite sister Claudette. A woman walked by us and she was dressed in a very bad way, exposing heaven. I started to laugh and Claudette looked at me seriously. I kept laughing and wondered how she could not see how funny the lady looked.
“Oh LORD. Stop laughing. It is not funny. That woman must be mad to leave her home dressed like that. We don’t know the circumstances of anyone’s demeanor, so you must not laugh at people. Anything can happen to anyone of us in a flash so that could be me our you one day,” Claudette said. I stopped laughing and I felt embarrassed, but I learnt a lesson… 

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