Tuesday, August 19, 2014

“Summer is ending and fall is on it’s way.

“Did you ever read the book called The Giver By Lois Lowry?” 
School started for some children and is starting in New York soon. I remember since my children were in Pre-K, they would read a book then say, “Mom you have to read this book.” In most cases I would be standing in line at the bank reading a children’s book. My children are 17 and 23, and they still ask me to read some of the books that they are reading. I don’t like horror books, but I read them then I would always comment. They finally stopped insisting that I read the horror books. Out of all their books I read, The Giver was the most upsetting for me. I did not like that book, now there is a movie. I am not going to be looking at it, but my children said that they have to look at it just to see if they captured the essence of it.
Enjoy your day and be safe…

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