Friday, August 15, 2014

“Oh Drama”

When my son and daughter are out you could call their phone until thy kingdom come they would not answer, it goes straight to voice mail. My son’s voice mail response, “Hello… then a long pause so you start talking and then you hear, “Please leave a message.” My daughter’s voice mail is always full. When you eventually get her she always have a great excuse, “My ringer was not on. I don’t like taking out my phone on the streets. I was in a class.” The both of them pisses us off. So I am getting the new application— Ignore No More. I can turn off their phones and they will have to call me to get the password. They can still call 911 and other selected numbers I decided on. This is the first time I am going to be a mean mother and I love it.
Enjoy your day and be safe…

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