Friday, February 21, 2014


All my life on this earth one word that pisses me off real bad is ‘BUT’. My relatives, friends, teachers and associates all used the BUT word when they talk/ed about me. In most cases the conversation started like this, “Allison is a nice person, a hard worker, BUT.”
As a child it just killed my spirit when I heard BUT because I knew that the next sentence was going to be filled with negative~ unenthusiastic~ unconstructive~ unhelpful~ off-putting~ pessimistic~ downbeat~ harmful and depressing words to disturb my spirit. All I have to say to all the people who talk about me in this way, “If you are getting negative vibrations from me, and I know how negative vibrations feel so make it easy on yourself. Put me on your cut list. Cut me out of your life. You will have peace of mind and I would not get a sleepless night over you.”
A blessed safe day to you and yours…

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