Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Baking Soda or Sodium Bicarbonate:-

Our Parents did things and they did not say why they were doing them. One thing my parents used a lot of was baking soda. I got it in lemonade also ¼ teaspoon in a glass of water to drink some mornings. It did not taste that bad. Baking Soda is great. That should be the number one item in your kitchen.  

Fruit and vegetable scrub
Brush your teeth~ It freshen you mouth.
Put underarm~ It neutralize body odor.
Use as an antacid.
For insect bites and itchy skin.
Clean brushes and combs. Hand wash dishes, pots and pans.  Freshen Sponges. Clean the Microwave. Polish silver flatware. Clean coffee and tea pots. Clean the oven. Clean the floors. Clean the furniture. Clean shower curtains.
Add to your laundry detergent~ Clothes get cleaner, fresher and brighter.
Remove oil and grease stains. Clean car batteries~ neutralizes acid corrosion.
Deodorize, refrigerator, cutting board, trashcans, clean dishwashers, carpet, vacuum cleaners, freshen closets, cars, sneakers etc…. 

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