Tuesday, September 17, 2013

“The Little Witch”

I used to be a helper in my son’s 1st grade class. This class was filled with smart children and I sometimes felt a bit intimidated by them. I was used to my son asking questions and the answer was always on my lips. When the children in his class asked me a question, I answered most of them, but some of the questions just had me bewildered.
One day I decided to do a project with them, the moment the teacher asked me to take over the class. This project was supposed to avoid questions. I started handing out paper, while I was informing them of what we were going to do. One girl in the class who always acted as though she was valedictorian, walked over to where I was standing. I ignored her, but she touched my hand then she said, “Miss Joseph, can I help? I know what you want us to do so I can show the class?”
I told her to please sit and do the project, there was going to be a reward for the best one, so I did not want her to miss out on the chance to win. She sat in her seat and when I got to her and handed her the sheet of paper, she said, Miss. Joseph you are very kind and thoughtful. Can you spell thoughtful? For a moment I stood there looking at her dumbfound. The word and the letters started flipping around and around in my head. Then she said, “Miss Joseph you cannot spell thoughtful? That little word?” She spoke in a loud tone and the rest of the class looked at me. My son’s face became flushed and then he said. “Yes she can. My mommy is a good speller. Mom, spell it for them.”
And I shouted, “T H O U G H T F U L!”
They started to clap and the little Witch said, “Paul, your mommy is smart.”
I was cussing in my mind because this little witch just tried to embarrass me.
So today ignore the intimidator. A wonderful optimistic day to you and yours… 

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