Saturday, September 14, 2013


There is actually a sweet peace in silence. Yesterday was a quiet day for me although there were lots of distractions… The television with all the unpleasant news~ The radio with the upbeat music~ The telephone ringing very often yet I was in a state of silence. I let life flow taking it as it flowed. I could count the times my children asked me, “Mom are you okay?” My answer was ‘Yes’, but I knew that, that question was going to be asked over and over, so I  waited until the 10th time they asked to say, yes, but why do you ask?”
“You look so serious and quiet.”
“I am okay and I feel great.”
“Are you sure?”
They both said okay but ‘Are you okay kept coming at me?’
On this beautiful Saturday I wish you and yours peace, love, safety and a moment of silence…

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