Sunday, September 15, 2013

“Hitting The Big Five Zero”

Since hitting 5~0 many ‘CANNOTS’ fell into my lap;
The salt I loved to eat with green mangoes, etc, is now a no~ no. I cannot have too much salt because it increases my blood pressure.
The sugar I loved to have~ cakes, cookies, candies, condensed milk in my coffee etc, is now a no~ no. I cannot have sugar because it makes me thirsty and tired.
The flour I loved to eat~ bread, pastries dumplings etc, is now a no~ no. I cannot have flour because of the wheat and gluten.
I cook for my family and I use different condiments, but for me I cook with less salt and no sugar, I don’t miss a day of exercising and I am feeling fine just living and loving life.
Your body is yours pay attention to it~ Love it and treat it well. I wish you and yours peace, love, happiness and safety … 

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