Thursday, September 12, 2013

“She Was Hated For Being Born” (Part 1)

Michael  —Single.
Monica  —Married. Having an affair with Michael. Six children came out of the marriage. Five were Michael’s and one her husband’s.
Jane —Single. Monica’s best friend. She was having sexual relations with Michael and had a baby for him.
Joanne — Single. Had a child from a previous relationship. She and Michael started dating. He eventually marries her, but he was still having sex with Monica and Jane. Joanne and Michael had 6 children.
Teresa —Married. Joanne’s best friend. Teresa’s husband was studying abroad.
Eight years into Michael and Joanne’s marriage, Michael and Teresa told Joanne that they had sex on one occasion, it was a mistake, they are very sorry, but Teresa was pregnant.  
Michael and Teresa both started to cry asking her to forgive them. Joanne also cried. After all the tears she told them that she forgive them. They also told her that Teresa needs to keep her pregnancy a secret, her husband must never find out about the baby and when she delivers, she and Michael should take the baby home. Joanne agreed.
The three of them worked hard at keeping their secret. After Teresa’s first trimester, she stayed at home, a midwife visited her and Joanne did her shopping. Everything went well and although neighbors suspected that something fishy was going on, they said nothing. Teresa eventually gave birth to a healthy baby girl. A week later the baby was registered. Written on the birth paper. Baby —Lisa. Father —Michael. Mother —Joanne, etc.
Michael and Joanne took Lisa home. Teresa was heartbroken, but she loved her husband and he loved her. If he finds out about Lisa it will tear them apart.
Joanne felt a loathing for baby Lisa and she treated her badly, when Michael was not at home. When Lisa turned 5, her children started to question the differences between them and Lisa. Joanne eventually got her children together and she told them the family secret. She made them promise that they will never tell Lisa or anyone else the secret. Joanne became teary then she started to sob. Her eldest child hugged her, while the other children whispered how wrong the situation was. The Eldest said, “She is not your child and she is making you cry, so do not expect us to be kind to her.”
“Your father loves Lisa a lot so do not let him see you all mistreating her.”
“Did you all hear what mom said?” The Eldest asked his brothers and sisters and they all told him yes.
Lisa suffered physical and mental abuse and she couldn’t wait to become an adult to leave her home. She felt as though she was hated for being born…  

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