Monday, May 2, 2011

“A Walk Down Memory Lane”

The computer came in. I had to get with the times so I threw out my typewriter… I wished I didn’t.
When I was learning to type, my teacher told me that I needed to practice without looking at the keys and use my both hands. It was hard in the beginning, to look at the textbook and type without looking at the keys. The first letters that I had to type were ASDF ;LKJ. I followed the instructions in the textbook. I had to type first with the left fingers so I typed – Pinky – A. Ring finger – S. Middle finger – D. Index finger – F. Right fingers. Pinky – ; Ring finger – L Middle finger – K. Index – J. After months of practice and learning the other keys, I was typing 45 – 50 words per minute. When I graduated from school, I had the typewriter’s keys down pact. I was typing 100 WPM, with no typos and I did not look at the keys. I came to America and I had to learn the computer keyboard. It took me two days to get it right. I taught my children from a very young age how to type now they have it down to no typos…
There is so much that you can do with a typewriter… Sometimes, I want to fill out a form and have to write in all the information… with a typewriter it could be typed and it would look professionally done… I like my computer, but I miss my typewriter…

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