Tuesday, May 31, 2011

“Listening Aggressively”

He was telling his wife about a situation. She was looking at him fixedly. Her demeanor was that of someone who was getting ready to pounce. He stopped talking for a moment then he changed the subject. “I remember reading Andy Capp many years ago and in one of his comic strips he said to Flo, “You are listening aggressively.” I laughed because I thought it was a funny statement, and I also believed that no one listened aggressively.”
“That is true! No one listens aggressively!” His wife said.
“Yes they do! While I was explaining about the car, your facial expression was that of someone who was getting ready to attack…”

Monday, May 30, 2011

“Man And Woman”

A man and a woman, work hand-in-hand.
He is the foundation of the home… He holds it up.
She is the backbone… She supports it.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

“The Antagonist”

While doing my grocery shopping, I saw that there was corn on sale. I decided to get ten. There were no bags where the corns were, so I went over to a roll of bags, on the other side. I took ten bags because I needed two for the corns and the other bags for other items. I put the bags in my cart and I went to the container with the corn. There were about 10 people choosing and husking corns. I moved to an area where no one was standing, put 10 corns in my cart, and started husking. No one was speaking. Everyone was minding his/her business. Two ladies came to the container and picked up some corns. They were talking and moving about while they were husking. I noticed one of the ladies looking in my cart, but I did not say anything to her. I just continued what I was doing. A few moments later, she took two bags out of my cart. I simply looked at her and didn’t say anything.
“Oh. I’m sorry this is your cart.”
“You see it is next to me and I am putting my husked in it.”
I looked at her seriously. She had an annoying smile on her face as she opened a bag and put a corn in it then she handed the other bag to her friend… All I said to myself was, “Age brings reason, I am not going to be challenged by an antagonist”…

Saturday, May 28, 2011

“Captivating My Audience”

I sat talking with some friends, and a few acquaintances, about a situation. I was talking fiction… As we used to say, when I was a child, “I was telling stories, but the adults would say that I was lying. All through the conversation, I held my audience captivated. I could see the looks of belief on their faces… The untrue story was true.

Friday, May 27, 2011

“More Forward Than That Is Outrageous”

She said something to a couple and they were laughing. The sound of her voice triggered his heart and he smiled. She smiled at him then turned her head. The smile also did a number on his heart so he kept looking at her. He waited for her to look his way, but she didn’t. The moment she was standing alone, he got up and walked towards her. He was hoping that she wasn’t married, but there was a gold wedding band, on her left ring finger.
“Damn!” he whispered.
“You said something?” she asked, with a soft smile on her lips.
He wanted to say no, but then he said, “I see you are married.”
“Yes I am.” Again there was the happy smile on her lips.
“Is he treating you right?”
“What does my persona say to you?”
“A beautiful woman who seems to be in high spirits.”
“You answered your question.” She walked away…

Thursday, May 26, 2011

“I Wonder About These Men”

I live in a school zone. There are many schools in the neighborhood. Children are picked up and dropped off by the yellow school bus. I notice every evening many men stand/sit outside looking at the children. I wonder about these men. Are they police officers? Are they waiting on their child/children? Are they the neighborhood watch? Who are these men? I hope they are the answer to one of the questions…

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

"An Oprah Story"

My husband went to do an electrical service call. He arrived 3:55PM. The customer (a woman) said, “Mister ah not taking off me TV. Oprah coming on and ah have to watch she. You could wait or go and come back.” He went to the plug and he said, “Nah, I have my work to do so I unplugging this TV. She said, “Mister, wha happen to you, you wha dead?” Hahhahahha.


Tornadoes, Floods, Fires… are devastating the US… I pray that all those who are touched by these situations, receive strength and courage to face the days ahead…

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

“Men O Pause”

Kim was wondering if menopause means that you should pause from men.
She felt that the symptoms are off the wall. One moment she felt hot, hot, hot… The next moment she is freezing. One minute she is happy and the next minute she is crying buckets of tears… She looked in the mirror. “I’m looking old,” she whispered then walked out of the bathroom and her husband looked at her and simile then he said, “You look very nice in that outfit.” He hugs her and said, “You are prettier than when we first met.”
“I am looking old, and I’m not pretty anymore,” Kim said and she started to cry…

Monday, May 23, 2011

“Don’t Look In The Cupboard/Fridge”

On Saturday night, my son said, “Mom there isn’t anything to eat.”
I said, “What?!”
He said, “Yeah but don’t look in the cupboards or fridge, just order two pizzas…

Sunday, May 22, 2011

“What I Saw”

In the still of the evening, I watched the sunset and twilight was upon me… I was just in awe of the beauty that was around me… How magnificent he made this world… I wondered if everyone that was around was seeing what I saw…

Saturday, May 21, 2011

“Fear Of The End”

One Man put fear into the hearts of so many people today… There are many people who are not afraid, but his words have them thinking… The sad thing is how petrified many children are

“The Internet Is An Open Book”

If you think the whole world is not going see your post… think again…
You should read it over. Edit it, then check it over, look closely at it, then make sure it is what you want the whole world to see, because the internet is an open book… If you like it the way it is, then click send…

Friday, May 20, 2011

“Karma Is A Bitch… No”

It is just fate unfolding…
The measure you give; is the measure you receive.”
However you make your bed… that is the way you are going to lie on it.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

“A Peaceful Moment”

The tide rolls out to sea, it came back rolling towards the shore soothingly, then it obliterated. I stood on the shore looking intently at it, but not seeing it, yet a peaceful calm aura was around me… I wondered why I was feeling like this… then I smiled as a wave gently rolled over my feet… This… is… happiness.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

“Not Now Honey”

Three little words… NOT NOW HONEY, can cause a man/woman to cheat…
A woman can stop her man from cheating but if a woman wants to cheat…. hmm. There is nothing a man could say or do to stop her from cheating… Some men try, but he is only prolonging the horn…

"Showers Keeping The Pollen Down"

It's been raining since Monday and it’s going to stop on Saturday, but I am not stressed about the rain… I am singing… Shower of blessings, Shower of blessings we need; Mercy drops round us are falling. But for the showers we plead. The showers are keeping the pollen down… No sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, throat, ears.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

“It Does Not Bring You Happiness”

Handsome and pretty, even good looking and beautiful, don’t bring you happiness…
Not every bottle of honey is sweet…

Monday, May 16, 2011

“Get The Wrong End Of The Stick”

Many people misconstrue things to suit their own purpose.
Just had a talk with my daughter. She was saying that some of her friends are freaked out about the latest end of the world date... May 21, 2011...
“How do you feel about it?” I asked.”
“It’s scary.”
“What did I always tell you all when those astounding situation keeps coming up?”
"Don't stress yourself about things you have no control over,” she said.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

“Fear Of The Needle Prick”

Gone were the days of innocence and fear of the needle prick… When I was in elementary school and sitting in my class, I used to hate when I look through the window, just in time to see a woman dressed in brown… She was the district nurse. Her reason for coming to our school, was to give us shots… Minutes after she arrived, she would set up her table and we would have to form a line. The list of names were in alphabetic order and I would be standing near the end of the line because my last name started with ‘V’. I wished I was first in line, just to get it over with and done… I had to go through the motions of hearing some of my friends cry… While they were lamenting, my heart would be racing. I used to take deep breaths over and over again because of the fear of the needle prick… Today, it seems as though, children are not afraid of the needle… I saw an 8 year old child, on the television, acting nonchalant about receiving Botox shots… Wow!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

“Jumping Out Of A Window” {A Trinbago Moment}

Do you know how many Trinbago men jump out of a window and fall into a barrel of water? Now that is state secret… If they fall with one foot in the barrel and the other out of the barrel, the woman husband will ketch them… 99.9% of these men, jump out of their friend’s window…

Friday, May 13, 2011

“Not Getting It”

I just don’t seem to get it. When will I learn? Every time I walk on a street I never walked on, some thing will happen… Allergy season is doing a major number on my family. It’s not affecting me… no sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes and itchy throat… I was feeling on top of the world. This feeling came tumbling down after I walked on the never walked on street this morning… Some men were cutting grass… The moment I smelt the grass, my nose started itching and that was the beginning…

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

“Not One Sleepless Night”

Don’t cry over spilled milk… Don’t cry over the things you have no control over…
The latest event that some people believe is going to happen. The world is going to end on May 21, 2011… I am not going to get one sleepless night over that…

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

“Mother’s Day”

On Mother’s Day morning, my children made me a turkey and cheese sandwich, and a steaming cup of coffee… The sandwich looked tasty, so I took a bite… Mayonnaise spilt over onto my face and the plate… The turkey and cheese was floating in mayonnaise. I said, “You put too much mayo in the sandwich.” “No way… Do you know that, that amount of mayonnaise is only 100 calories?” “Really?” I said. Then, I started to laugh as I took my time and ate the whole thing… “Happy Mother’s Day!”

Monday, May 9, 2011

“Left Behind”

The older you get the more you know. That was an old proclamation. Today, the older you get, the least you know…
If you don’t keep up with technology… You would be left behind…

Sunday, May 8, 2011

“The Wonder Of A Mother’s Love”

Foolish or smart… However you may turn out… That flame in her heart… Won’t ever die… A mother’s love… Is HEAVENLY SWEET… Here on earth it can’t be beat… So come to you… From up above… Is the wonder of… A MOTHER’S LOVE!
These are some words from a Mother’s Day song I learnt as a child. I cannot remember the name of the Author or the song, but the words are beautiful.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

“Stay Focused”

She said, “No. I am not doing that.”
He said, “Why?”
“It might cause a problem.”
“But a point would be made.”
“I wonder.”
Don’t lose sight of what is important to you… Stay focused…

Friday, May 6, 2011

“A Funny Moment”

Ever so often I love to use a phrase my mother used when she was annoyed or surprised at something my siblings and I did.
My daughter (right handed) was trying to pour a glass of juice with her left hand. She was holding a glass-jug at a very bad angle. It looked as though it would fall out of her hand. Juice was spilling onto the table, but she continued.
I walked in to see her doing this and I said, “Oh gosh… what the dickens you doing!?”
She looked at me, surprised and said, “What?! What did you say?!”
I repeated what I said. The look on her face was hysterical and we started to laugh…

"It’s The Same Thing"

All you did was mix it up, turn it around, then, you called it a different name…. Hmm BS

Thursday, May 5, 2011

"Fear And A Gloomy Gus"


"A Better Day"

So many are going through situations that are vexatious to the spirit.
“Thank God for making me see another day. I know what I am faced with so far as the day is progressing. I don't know what you are faced with but… I hope today is a better day than yesterday, for you…

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

“Wearing Her Washiecong”

I was walking with my daughter this morning as she headed to school… Today is the final part of the state ELA test. We were talking and laughing… There was no sun in the sky, but the area was clear then it suddenly became dark. Some dark clouds moved across the sky.
I said, “Those clouds look as though they are going to burst.” By reflex action I looked down at her feet to see what shoes she was wearing… She saw me, and she said, “Mom you just had to look at my feet. Why do you always do that on days like these?” she asked.
“I just want to make sure that you are wearing the right shoes for this type of weather. You know you are not… You are wearing your Washiecong…

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

“All Men Are Dogs… All Women Are Bitches”

Oh what a hateful statement…
The first woman I met in my life was my mother. I never heard her say bow-wow, what I heard her say and I took note of, was the word etiquette. She made sure it did not stay in the dictionary she took it out and brought it to life. She made my siblings and I live by the rules of etiquette. Another thing she said to us – dress appropriately.
My father was the first man I met. I never heard him say bow-wow. He validated my mother’s rules, but added his own to it. His rules were especially for my brothers… Pull up your pants. Put a belt in your pants waist. Put on a pair of socks when you are wearing shoes/sneakers. Take off your hat when you walk into a room. Don’t put your hat on the table…. So the hateful statement is not a truthful one…

Monday, May 2, 2011

“A Walk Down Memory Lane”

The computer came in. I had to get with the times so I threw out my typewriter… I wished I didn’t.
When I was learning to type, my teacher told me that I needed to practice without looking at the keys and use my both hands. It was hard in the beginning, to look at the textbook and type without looking at the keys. The first letters that I had to type were ASDF ;LKJ. I followed the instructions in the textbook. I had to type first with the left fingers so I typed – Pinky – A. Ring finger – S. Middle finger – D. Index finger – F. Right fingers. Pinky – ; Ring finger – L Middle finger – K. Index – J. After months of practice and learning the other keys, I was typing 45 – 50 words per minute. When I graduated from school, I had the typewriter’s keys down pact. I was typing 100 WPM, with no typos and I did not look at the keys. I came to America and I had to learn the computer keyboard. It took me two days to get it right. I taught my children from a very young age how to type now they have it down to no typos…
There is so much that you can do with a typewriter… Sometimes, I want to fill out a form and have to write in all the information… with a typewriter it could be typed and it would look professionally done… I like my computer, but I miss my typewriter…

Sunday, May 1, 2011

I am not here to judge anyone. I am here to serve out the sentence…

“Good Friday~~~ You Turn Into A Fish”

My memories of Good Friday, as a child into adulthood, are great. On Good Friday, we ate hot cross buns (my mother made) and we drank orange peel tea, with brown sugar and no milk, for breakfast. This Good Friday, I had no hot cross buns… I felt a bit sad about that… Yesterday, I found hot cross buns in the grocery store… For me, it was better late than never… Now I know where to buy my hot cross buns…
For lunch, we had fried fish, stew fish, cassava dumplings, green figs, plantain – boil and fried, ground provisions – dasheen, yam, sweet potato, Irish potato, eddoes, tannia and cassava – yucca. Salad – lettuce, tomatoes and cucumber… After lunch, we would go on the beach. There would be many people on the beach. No one goes into the sea, because, we were all told that we would turn into a fish if we did…