Saturday, February 26, 2011

“Why Make Our Children Choose”

The day started out nice and I was hoping that it would stay that way, but hope is not fulfilled at times. While walking, a woman and her son were just ahead of me. What drew my attention to them was, the way in which she was tugging at a little boy’s hand.
“Mom, slow down,” said the child.
“No! Walk faster!” she shouted.
I was speculating about this situation, but a man, who was across the street called out to the child, so that shed light on the situation.
The child saw him and he started to smile then he said, “daddy.” The woman said, “I know you want to go and meet him, but you are not going.” She stood up and turned to the man, “Don’t you dare call my child. You are a good for nothing!” The child started to cry…

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