Saturday, February 19, 2011

“Trust Broken”

When some one tells you something and they ask you not to repeat it, don’t ever repeat it. Repeating it might cause a problem that cannot be fixed. That’s what my sister told me. Her best friend told someone something she had told her in confidence. My sister was hurt and embarrassed.
I listened to my sister but I did not take heed... I broke my friend's trust. When I got caught, I felt as though the earth should open and swallow me.
In a very nice way, my friend came to me and she told me she knows that I told another person what she told me. I did not have a choice but to admit that I did. I knew that it would have been worse to try and defend myself with a lie. I was hurt because I hurt my friend and it hurt some more because I trusted the person I told, and I never expected her to divulge the information.
My friend told me that she would never speak to me again. At that point in time, I wanted to kill the person I had told. How could she do this to me? Then I realize that I should not blame her. It was my blunder. If I had not divulged the information, I would not be feeling like a zero. Everything that my sister told me was going around in my head and those words of advice from my mother also played in my head… ‘A STILL TONGUE KEEPS A WISE HEAD’. Things that you would not get back… ‘The neglected opportunity. The spoken word. The sped arrow. The past life and THE SPOKEN WORD’.

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