Monday, February 14, 2011

“A Real Love Story”

They were both six years old. His little heart felt glad every time he saw her. To him, she was the prettiest girl in their class. He wanted to say something nice to her, but all he did was smile every time she looked at him. She always smiled and bent her head, then turn away. Day in and day out, this was the way they spoke to each other. Valentine’s Day came, and their teacher had candy and cake for them. All his classmates were excited, but she was on his mind. He smiled at her and she smiled, but she did not turn her head, she kept looking at him, with the sweetest smile on her lips. He thought this was his cue to say what he always wanted to say to her so he said, “I like you.” She suddenly stopped smiling, her eyes welled up with tears and she started to cry…

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