Friday, February 11, 2011

“Let Loose In Stores”

One day while shopping, a little boy about 3 or 4 years old, came near to me and asked me if I saw his mother. I told him no, and he started to cry. I asked the people near to us if they knew the child, but no one did. After a few minutes I told one of the store sales representatives and she said that she would locate his mother. While I continued shopping I heard an announcement… A description of the child was given in English and then in Spanish. I felt good about this and I assumed that his mother would come to his rescue, but when I joined the line to cash I saw the child standing at the side near to a cashier.
“Oh my gosh. His mother did not come for him yet?” I asked.
“What the hell is wrong with some people? They would come into a store and let loose their children leaving them on their own. That is so irresponsible. The poor child is sobbing uncontrollably,” A woman said.
“It’s so sad,” I said.
All the women on the lines were making comments, but there was one woman who was only making loud sighs. The child’s mother finally came and the woman who was making the loud sighs, started to shout at her.

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