Monday, February 7, 2011

“They Broke the Mold”

Mel always treated her husband’s friends cordially, but one of them (Will) always made her feel uncomfortable. She did not like how he looked at her, and she also did not like how he degrades his wife. This woman was the mother of his three children and was pregnant with their fourth child.
“If Margo is a bad person, then why is he still married to her, and the evidence shows that he is sleeping with her?” Mel said to her husband.
“That is a good question,” he answered.
On one occasion, Will called while her husband was at work and he made an inapt statement to her. She told her husband about it and he brushed it off, saying that he was sure Will was joking.
Mel told him that she doesn’t think it was funny, and she believes if Will gets the chance, he would make a pass at her.
“No way, he would do something like that!”
She did not say anything else about it, but decided to be on her guard when Will was around. Time went by and she and her husband had many conversations about Will’s attitude, but he was sticking to his belief in his friend. He reminded her that they were friends since middle school and Will is just a flirt. She ignored his statements and knew that it’s only a matter of time before Will does or say something to change his mind.
The moment he picked her up from work she saw an expression on her husbands face that told her, he was upset.
“Why do you look so pissed?”
“You were right about Will?”
“Why do you say that?”
“He phoned me today to tell me that he was divorcing Margo because he met someone and she is just like you.”
“Like me.”
“He was going on and on about how she is pretty, kind, sociable and loves family life.”
“But that is Margo in a nutshell.”
“It is, but then he said, “There is one more thing about her… She is as sexy as your wife.”
“What! So what did you say?”
“I told him they broke the mold the day you were born.”

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