Friday, February 18, 2011

“The Goodly Man”

At 16, I was more aware of people and their attitudes. There were many people I liked and those I disliked, but I was always polite to everyone. A new couple moved into the neighborhood. As time went by, many people talked about how nice they were. The husband got most of the praises because all the females liked his good looks and his charisma. Even his wife, with her bubbly self, would always praise him. I couldn’t see what everyone saw in him, but I started to refer to him as the ‘goodly man’.
One day while I was on my way to school, I walked by the Goodly man's house. He was in the yard, standing by his car, shouting at his wife as she stood by the front door. She was looking at him with a hurt expression on her face. As he was about to sit in the car, she walked out of the house with a hammer, and she smashed the windshield then she looked at him and said, “I have been your punching bag for many years, and I am not taking it anymore. Every one will know the monster you are.”
“I wish you would fall and break your neck,” said the Goodly Man.

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